The world’s first clean-up system for the ocean’s plastic soup, System 001, was launched last Saturday. How does TU Delft hydraulic engineer, Wim Uijttewaal, regard the attempt?
The Excelscope is a smart semi-automated device which can detect malaria infections in blood samples. Six IDE students won the James Dyson Award 2018 with their prototype.
Ja, de doorloop in de cybersecurity research groep is sneller dan elders, maar prof. Inald Lagendijk vindt de informatica-exodus aan de TU Delft relatief meevallen.
Synthetic biology expert Professor Drew Endy from Stanford University was one of the over hundred participants of the first Building a Synthetic Cell (BaSyC) conference that took place at TU Delft 27-29 August 2018. Listen to Drew Endy interviewed by TU Delta editor Jos Wassink.
It may have taken God four days to create life, but bio-scientists working on an artificial cell estimate they’ll need another five to 10 years. They gathered for the first time at the BaSyC conference in Delft, 28-29 August 2018.
Synthetic Biology Professor Drew Endy from Stanford University was one of the over hundred participants of the first Building a Synthetic Cell (BaSyC) conference that took place at TU Delft 27-29 August 2018.
After eight extraordinary productive years, Cees Dekker will transfer the Directorship of the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft (KIND) to his younger colleague Chirlmin Joo. Who is Dr Joo?
Should student societies be more open to international students? The first year students we asked were pretty unanimous in their answer.
“Technical students develop technical solutions. But our policy analysis students test whether these solutions can effectively achieve policy goals,” says Bert Enserink, Director of the Engineering and Policy Analysis (EPA) master. The first batch of 23 students graduated in The Hague last Tuesday.