Next week will see the seventh edition of the All Energy Day in The Hague. It’s the meeting ground for students, scientists and salarymen working in energy. What’s in it for you?
The two year action research programme, ‘Schools as Energy Embassies’, is supported by RVO, part of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. The aim is to organise support to accelerate the energy transition.
A special clay tablet, the size of a soap bar, was scanned in TU Delft’s micro CT-scanner last week. Archaeologists wanted to compare the text on the clay envelope with the text on the tablet inside.
An analysis of Hurricane Harvey casualties has shown that most drowned in or around cars. A revision of flooding maps is due, the researchers say.
The hexapod is a unique testing facility for the dynamic testing of structures. Professor Mirek Kaminski, who invented the machine four years ago, proudly demonstrated the 60 ton monster to the press.
Binnenklimaatspecialist Philomena Bluyssen (Bouwkunde) werd afgelopen maand tot erelid benoemd van de International Society of Indoor Quality and Climate (
Jonge onderzoekers van verschillende afdelingen die samen een onderzoeksvoorstel doen. Dat is het idee achter de cohesieprojecten bij de faculteit 3mE. Na vijf jaar stopt de financiering vanuit het college van bestuur. 3mE-decaan prof.dr. Theun Baller legt uit waarom de faculteit doorgaat met het project.
Metal disks glued on glass can often replace bolted supports in glass façades, as recent TU Delft research shows. So what’s holding back the application of glued glass constructions?
Do cities work for or against their citizens? Urban specialist, Dr Gabriela Rendón, studied that question in New York City and in ‘The Randstad Holland’, and she arrived at two different outcomes.