
Marjolein van der Veldt


25 years of TU Delft in photos After a successful exhibition at TU Delft Library, the display ‘TU Delft community – 25 years photography by Sam Rentmeester ‘ can now also be seen in the Prinsenkwartier. Sam Rentmeester has been working as a photographer for more than 25 years for, among others, Delta…

Campus directors call for government support The Dutch government must make a structural contribution to the (continued) development of campuses and science parks. This is what the directors of the ten largest campuses in the Netherlands wrote in the Manifesto Top Locations that was presented on Wednesday. They argue for government support in five…

TU Delft students not abroad for the time being Following an exchange programme or a minor abroad this year? Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the plans of hundreds of TU Delft students are on hold for the time being. They are forced to cancel or postpone their trip and will need continue their studies…

Not yet an ombudsperson for students TU Delft is investigating two options to deal with the departure of Niek Graafland, former ombudsman students. This said vice rector Rob Mudde in his most recent meeting with the student council. The first option is for Job van Luyken, staff ombudsman, to fulfil a temporary double…

Library will reopen partially Wednesday 8 July the Library will reopen partially, with a limited number of places available for students to study. Reopening will be subsequent to timeslots. Fifty students will be allowed in the morning and fifty students in the afternoon. Students can register for a study place. A link for reservation…

New director TU Delft Library Dr Irene Haslinger has been appointed director of TU Delft Library with effect from 1 September 2020. She succeeds Wilma van Wezenbeek, who has been appointed director of Student and Educational Affairs at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Haslinger joined TU Delft as faculty secretary of the Faculty of…

Nu politieke partijen hun verkiezingsprogramma’s gaan schrijven, zet het Centraal Planbureau allerlei keuzes voor het hoger onderwijs op een rij. Als ze ergens op bezuinigen, wat levert het dan op? Als ze studenten een cadeautje willen geven, hoe duur is het dan? Het herinvoeren van de basisbeurs zou bijvoorbeeld een miljard euro per jaar kosten.…