Leiden University removes painting of cigar-smoking men A painting showing cigar-smoking men has been removed from a room at Leiden University following complaints. The woman who took offence at it is receiving a flood of hateful messages. The painting by artist Rein Dool, made in the 1970s, shows the then Leiden University…
Students homeless after major fire A major fire in Amsterdam destroyed part of an apartment complex for students, starters and young status holders on Sunday. Dozens of container flats were lost. One resident has been arrested for arson. The fire in Amsterdam Nieuw-West was discovered Sunday morning, when many residents were still…
Fewer obstacles for Caribbean students The Dutch cabinet is removing an important obstacle for students from the Caribbean part of the kingdom. In the near future, they will receive a citizen service number (bsn) before their arrival in the Netherlands and if necessary, a new passport with that number in it. Previously,…
PhD candidates often wait until they have their dissertation before reporting intimidation, discrimination and abuse of power for fear of reprisals.
Research shows vulnerability of female scientists Lack of job security, the tough competition for research funding and the high workload are important reasons for both men and women with temporary contracts to turn their backs on science, according to a study (in Dutch) commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science…
‘No maximum interest rate on student debt’ Prime Minister Rutte thinks it is entirely reasonable that students in the Netherlands will soon again pay a ‘limited interest rate’ on their student debt. He is not keen on an interest ceiling for the time being. Two political parties in the Senate are worried…
Leiden professor ‘never again welcome’ A professor who has been guilty of inappropriate behaviour is banned from Leiden University. Who it concerns is unknown. The professor had seriously misbehaved towards his colleagues over a prolonged period, reports the university. This was said to be the outcome of an investigation by an independent committee…
Starting grants for groups? Several Dutch universities want to award the new starting grants not to individuals but to groups. In the coming years, universities themselves may award a new type of grant of 300 thousand euros to young university lecturers who get a permanent contract. But according to UNL, there are universities…
Covid self-tests at service points The number of Covid infections is on the rise and so TU Delft is using the intranet to remind its employees of the basic measures that are still in place: wash hands, cough and sneeze in the elbow and stay home in case of symptoms. The latter…