TU Delft PhD student Ties van der Heijden has won the Delfland Thesis Award. He received the prize worth two thousand euros for his master’s thesis Pumping when the wind blows; demand response in the Dutch Delta. Van der Heijden researched the use of sustainable energy at pumping stations. According to Delfland, that combination is…
Door cloud-toepassingen en het uitbesteden van ict-beheer aan externe bedrijven in het hoger onderwijs krijgen cybercriminelen meer kansen, waarschuwt Surf. Instellingen moeten alles op alles zetten om hen buiten de deur te houden. Elk jaar brengt Surf, een ict-samenwerkingsverband van hoger onderwijs, mbo, umc’s en onderzoeksinstellingen, een ‘cyberdreigingsbeeld’ uit. Uit de editie 2019/2020 blijkt dat…
The new TU Delft Code of Conduct is designed to help staff and students solve problems and dilemmas. What lessons does Rector Magnificus Tim van der Hagen take from it?
The employee monitor, that started this week, measures employees’ assessment of TU Delft. What was the baseline in 2017 and has anything changed?
The Municipality of Delft is looking at whether a rental team could provide support in cases of room scamming. This was its written response to questions from Stip.
Technical universities sometimes make off with their students’ inventions, reported NOS op 3. The universities, including TU Delft, assert that it is not that straightforward
Avishek Goel, along with his colleagues Diego Quan Reyes (TU Delft) and Sanne Wassink (RSM), won the Dutch CleanTech Challenge
The Dutch Socialist Party urges the Ministers of Housing and Education to tackle the issue of housing scams in Delft, an issue that Delta brought to light.
Het had niet veel gescheeld of er was dit jaar geen Keuzegids universiteiten geweest. Nu is hij er toch, maar hoe handig is hij en voor wie? Een analyse.