The financial position of students is getting worse, say student union LSVb and its Delft counterpart VSSD. They took action on Tuesday.
Students will probably keep paying millions of euros of public transport fines, even though it will be technically possible to automatically cancel expired public transport cards. “It’s crazy that the minister is sticking to this system.”
For years, Job van Ballegoijen de Jong pretended to be a student, caught up in his own lies and not knowing how to stop. Now he has written a book about his experiences. “I want to show others that you can still land on your feet.”
It is worth contacting the Rent Tribunal (Huurcommissie) if you feel you are paying excessive rent or service charges. In eight out of ten cases, room tenants were fully vindicated, reports news agency ANP, also in Delft.
It is an exciting race for the Brunel Solar Team (formerly Nuna). Between 13 and 20 September, the student team is competing in the Sasol Solar Challenge through the Kalahari Desert to Cape Town. They started in first place but are currently lying third.
In many student cities it will get more difficult to find a home, predict the authors of the National Student Housing Monitor. And yet, they see encouraging signs.
Team captain Zhenglang Lu is proud of his robot football team, the Delft Mercurians. Even though they are a new team, they won two games. “This hasn’t happened for years,” says Lu who is looking for new team members.
Last weekend, students shoved a fridge and a bed base out of the window from the third floor of a student dorm next to the building of student association Virgiel. Complaints by residents about falling rubbish have been around for some time.
While life for students and everyone else is getting more expensive, the remuneration for association board members remains the same in the Profiling Fund Scheme. Sports and cultural associations consider the remuneration too low. This must change, they say.