Student life

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National student organisations have announced demonstrations, the youth branches of political parties have signed an urgent letter to Parliament, and House of Representative members expressed their concerns. There is much resistance against the ‘langstudeerboete’ promoted by the coalition parties. TU Delft student political parties have joined the protesters. “This will damage a group of students that actually need extra support.”

You can’t make cost savings in higher education overnight, government officials say. For instance, it’s “not feasible” to introduce the slow-progress penalty for students who are taking too long to complete their studies with effect from September 2026, officials argue in a ‘quick scan’ of the coalition agreement. The quick scan was published on Friday afternoon.

This Wednesday and Thursday, students at TU Delft can vote for the Student Council for the coming academic year. There are three parties on the voting slip: Oras, Lijst Bèta and Dé Partij. What are their plans? The party candidates explain.