Student entrepreneurs can learn about running a business in an accessible way at the Kickstart Lab. “I feel like I can do ‘real work’ here instead of just messing around.”
ORAS and STIP want more shared student accommodation built. They state this in a letter to all the party chairs of the national political parties.
The Groover Big Band is the best student big band in the Netherlands. They won this title at the Big Battle music competition in Amsterdam at the end of November.
Some 14.5 thousand international students receive student grants in the Netherlands, reports DUO. This is more than before, perhaps partly due to the new basic grant. The radio programme Nieuws en Co requested the figures from student finance provider DUO and had NSC party leader Pieter Omtzigt respond in Friday night’s broadcast (in Dutch). Omtzigt expects…
In het allerlaatste verkiezingsdebat op 21 november ging het alleen even over studenten bij het onderwerp woningbouw. Woningsplitsing zou weer moeten worden toegestaan.
Sports and social associations have fewer new members this year than last year. “Holding the OWee earlier this year definitely affected us.”
Studenten betalen de ov-bedrijven nog altijd miljoenen euro’s aan boetes. Ze vergeten vaak het reisproduct van hun ov-chipkaart te halen als ze er geen recht meer op hebben.
De rente op studieschulden stijgt komend jaar toch naar 2,56 procent, ook voor de pechstudenten van het leenstelsel. Het demissionaire kabinet kan de rente niet bevriezen.
A motion adopted unanimously by the Delft Municipal Council on 2 November states that Delft must fulfil its promise for more shared student accommodation.