2.8 million more for knowledge safety
The Dutch House of Representatives wants the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to reserve a total of 2.8 million euros extra for the further improvement of knowledge safety at universities. This proposal was adopted last week by a broad parliamentary majority.
Universities will receive the special budget in three years starting in 2024. An average of 67 thousand euros per institution will then be available per year. The extra budget is an idea of VVD, CDA and ChristenUnie. Earlier, the cabinet decided to structurally set aside 12 million euros per year for knowledge security from 2023. The additional 2.8 million will soon be added to that.
TU Delft has six projects running until 2023 in the area of knowledge security. For example, the university recently conducted a risk scan, which showed that 40 percent of Delft’s scientific publications are about key technologies. These are technologies considered of economic and geopolitical importance by the Dutch government, such as quantum technology.
In January 2021, the Dutch government released the Knowledge Security Guide and the Knowledge Security Desk. Both are intended to help universities and other knowledge institutions in the field of knowledge security. (HOP, PvT / Delta)
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