AI hackathon on campus
Over 100 students participated in Dream Team Epoch’s AI hackathon on the TU Delft campus on Saturday 18 November. They developed an artificial intelligence model that can predict how much biomass is stored in a tree.
Team Epoch is an interdisciplinary and international student Dream team that competes in several AI competitions every year. With the 18 November hachaton, the team wanted to introduce students to their work in an accessible way. The assignment came from the Biomaster competition in which Epoch won an award earlier this year. For this, the team developed an AI model to predict the amount of biomass in forestland in Finland.
In the main hall of education building Echo, forty teams of both beginners and advanced students completed the assignment. Beginners first followed a tutorial where they learned about the differences between machine learning, deep learning and AI.
The winners of the hackathon (Photo: Team Epoch).
During the competition, team members from Epoch gave tips where needed. As a result, all participants managed to produce a model. Team ‘Byteblades & wilderness wizard’ did the best and won the top prize of 200 euros. (MvdV)
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