Student without face mask hits security guard
A student of Avans University of Applied Sciences hit a security guard in the face who confronted him about not wearing a face mask. He was suspended for twelve days.
The student missed several exams and resits because of this. Because he considers this “disproportionate”, he went to the institution’s Disputes Advisory Committee, reports college newspaper Punt (in Dutch).
During the hearing about the incident, which took place on 12 January, academy director Bas Vogelsangs argued that the security guard had been seriously shaken and needed aftercare.
According to the student, who was not present at the hearing, he had pushed the man and not hit him. But according to Vogelsangs, that makes little difference. “Avans takes this incident very seriously. For us, pushing or hitting is equal to violence against paramedics and police officers: people who are just doing their job.”
The disputes committee has declared the student’s appeal unfounded. He can still contest the decision nationally at the Higher Education Appeals Board. (HOP, JvE)
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