Awards tsunami in Haarlem
The Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Royal Holland Society of Sciences) will be unpacking big-time on Monday 28 November: 23 thesis awards, 64 prizes for first-year students and the KHMW Outreach Award 2022. The Society has existed since 1752 and aims to promote science and bridge the gap between science and society. Bringing research under the spotlight with awards is one example.
Three Delft graduates are among the prizes: Riddhi Kapoor (Dutch Gas Industry Award worth 6,000 euros), Maite Gieskes (KHMW Young Talent Award, 3,000 euros) and Dirk van Bokkem (KHMW Young Talent Award, 1,000 euros)
In addition, there are 64 encouragement prizes for first-year students, nominated by their courses. Each winner receives 500 euros. The ten Delft winners are: Mark van der Post (mathematics), Bram Lelieveldt (physics), Doğukan Yilmaz and Charlotte King (chemistry), Vince Szabó (computer science), Ruben Zuidgeest (mechanical engineering), Rik Hollander and Mette Kleine (civil and maritime engineering), Bernardo Sousa Alves and Jakub Siemasko (aerospace engineering).
The festive ceremony starts 28 November at 1 pm and can be followed via a livestream.
Download the overview of Delft winners here.
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