How do you teach kids in Ecuador about climate change? Three bachelor’s students created a game that is both fun and educational.
Brown, blue and white. Since the beginning of this month, everyone at TU Delft can drink their coffee or tea from a reusable cup – the Billie Cup. Deposit: EUR 1.
After the ‘consultation round’ on profile and size, the thinking about TU Delft’s future will enter a new phase. It will involve eight committees over the next half year.
As the OWee will be held earlier than usual this year, the first-years’ weekends will also be earlier, causing logistical problems. “Venues are often booked years in advance.”
How do you feel about adopting renewable heating systems? Assistant Professor Özge Okur and her team want to know.
From April onwards, certain groups will pay for parking on campus between 08:00 and 18:00. Paid parking in public places on campus will be introduced earlier.
There’s a lot to learn outside of your studies, say Google Developers Student Club Delft co-leads Krzysztof Baran and Ali Faruk Yücel.
Fossil fuel companies such as Shell and ExxonMobil get a stage at De Delftse Bedrijvendagen. Unfair, student Tom Twigt thinks. “Their business case is climate destruction.”
In March, institutes of higher education start to experiment with Mastodon as a Twitter alternative. The Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering already has an account.