The ‘consultation round’ on the profile and size of TU Delft is done. The Executive Board says there is support for growth. “We were interested in people’s thoughts.”
With remarkably little ceremony, drilling for TU Delft’s geothermal heat project started on Monday, 12 December 2022. The first hot water is expected in a year and a half.
Anyone wanting to get hold of books and study materials on campus will be inconvenienced. The VSSD decided to close the DA-SH bookshop at the end of the year.
Want to make your hardware project open source but you don’t know how? Jerry de Vos and the Delft Open Hardware team can help.
Not all students believe that TU Delft handles reports about sexually transgressive behaviour carefully. This transpired from Merel’s experience.
Who can you go to at TU Delft if you need to report any form of transgressive behaviour? What is the procedure like? Eight questions and answers.
Diversity & Inclusion Officer David Keyson raised the progress flag on Purple Friday. This replaces the rainbow flag that has hung in the Aula since July.
A wave of protests has swept across China in the last two weeks. Chinese students at TU Delft too demonstrated, though in a different way.
What is your data worth to you? PhD candidate Alejandra Gómez Ortega wants people to think about this in a more concrete way.