The third TU Delft streamed talk show covered four subjects: the strategic direction, social safety, IT security and #BetterTUgether. There was criticism in the chat.
Access and sustainability are the drivers for PhD candidate Karlheinz Samenjo’s work designing a medical device for women in Africa.
It has emerged from a parliamentary debate with Energy Minister Rob Jetten that energy support is also to be granted to residents of student housing complexes.
Het salarisverschil tussen mannen en vrouwen is bij hogescholen sterker afgenomen dan bij het bedrijfsleven en de overheid. Van de universiteiten zijn te weinig data bekend.
Minister Dijkgraaf welcomes international students. But, but some study programmes – and cities – can no longer handle the influx. How to overcome these obstacles?
Much attention will be paid to student well-being at the How are U Week. A goof thing, says the Student Council. “Everyone experiences times when they are not comfortable.”
Helping early career researchers connect and collaborate is one of the goals of Delft Young Academy, says Board member Angelo Accardo.
A EUR 100 million investment will make TU Delft much more sustainable. A lot will change. Details are still being worked out, but the recommendations capture the imagination.
Joking about someone’s sexual orientation, sending dickpics or wolf-whistling on the street. Where do TU Delft students draw the line?