How to raise awareness about sexually transgressive behaviour? Francien Baijanova created a serious game for just that.
Blocking the emergency exit or charging your phone while you sleep. Are you aware of fire risks in your student house and on campus?
What do TU Delft students and employees think of diversity and inclusion at TU Delft? And what do they expect from the university in this area?
Meet students Julia Rozenberg and Fenna Timsi who hope to give young people a voice through the UN Youth Representative programme.
Delft’s student associations want to have a say in TU Delft’s plans to grow. “How can we ensure that there are enough amenities for both current and new students?”
New rules may mean that more Delft students receive an energy allowance. For those that miss out, there will be a special welfare benefit with more flexible conditions.
Het kabinet wil een nieuwe huurtoeslag invoeren waardoor studenten er tot wel 282 euro per maand op vooruitgaan. Maar of het doorgaat, is nog onduidelijk. Er is veel kritiek.
Ever more student associations are acting against transgressive behaviour. There are codes of conduct and confidential counsellors, but training and education are lacking.
The Delft International Student Society thinks there’s a lot to learn from big Dutch associations. “They create this community that we internationals don’t have per se.”