Living in a student house is not only fun, but teaches some good lessons according to master’s student Coen Rijna.
Hundreds of teenagers are becoming radicalised. An online course is now been available for lecturers in higher education to enable them to spot radicalisation among students.
Lack of appreciation and facilities is deterring researchers – especially young ones – from taking part in employee participation. “The alarm needs to be sounded.”
Pension fund ABP will no longer invest in fossil fuels. Over the next one-and-a-half years it will sell all its shares in fossil fuel producers.
Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde too believes that TU Delft should be more diverse and inclusive. But how? ‘Hard quota will not bring us any further.’
In the very week that TU Delft’s very own Dr Strangelove passed away, the AIVD’s Lennard van Veen came to campus to talk to students and staff about knowledge security.
The rent for eight out of ten student rooms advertised on Kamernet is too high. Landlords are charging an average of 146 euros per month too much.
Through his start-up Respire, master’s student Akshit Gupta hopes to help make urban climates better for the people who live there.
Ever more universities have gender neutral toilets. But not TU Delft. The Student Council intends to change this.