Three students bared all to the ‘De Volkskrant’ newspaper – anonymously – about their unpleasant initiation. Among them a first year member of the Delftsch Studenten Corps.
Even if the Cabinet scraps the working at home advice, many TU Delft employees do not want or need to work on campus full-time. TU Delft is working on rules for hybrid work.
Student associations, cafés and sports canteens: as of 25 September an entry pass is needed for many venues. How does it work and where do you need to show a corona pass?
Using earth observation images to track rainfall, PhD candidate Mónica Estébanez Camarena hopes to help Ghanaian farmers. “The research is about more than getting a PhD.”
They sleep at friends’, in hotels and respond to dozens of advertisements. International students at TU Delft are desperate. How can they find a room?
What can you do if you are the victim or a witness of unwanted sexual behaviour? TU Delft students get practical tips on handling intimidation in a workshop.
MSA Ibn Firnas was founded to help support the spiritual and academic well-being of Muslim students at TU Delft. Board Member Irum Faisal explains how that works.
After a series of hacker attacks on higher education IT systems, the Inspectorate of Education has come to the conclusion that cyber security demands government intervention.
Technische studenten richten een ‘waterstofschap’ op om drempels voor waterstof-technologie te slechten. Ook op andere vlakken zetten zij hun gevoel voor urgentie om in actie.