Again, more students are enrolled at Dutch universities. And again, the university association asks for more money and for ‘instruments’ to regulate international influx.
After being disrupted by corona, the election of the best lecturer by study associations has resumed. And the winner is Dr Tom Burdyny, ‘a recognised example of excellence’.
For the time being, nothing changes in higher education other than the face mask rule. Social distancing is advised, but universities don’t need to change the arrangements.
As from Saturday, students and staff of universities will once again have to wear a face mask when walking through the buildings. If you fail to do so, you could be fined €95.
De geruchtenmachine draait overuren over de nieuwe coronamaatregelen. Een coronapas in het hoger onderwijs is in ieder geval geen goed idee, vinden universiteiten.
Higher education institutions are going to recruit fewer students from outside Europe with a preparatory year.
The VSNU (Association of Universities in the Netherlands) revisited and clarified the intellectual property rights rules. The key message: be careful about signing anything.
“A fine mix of disappointment and fun”, practice teacher Bob van Vliet calls the marble marathon of first-year Mechanical Engineering students. “Collaboration is key.”
Universities must have a concrete plan by 20 December to tackle temporary contracts and high work pressure. Otherwise, national protests will follow.