The TU Delft solar racers will have to compete in the Solar Challenge in Morocco without their coach now that Morocco has closed its doors to flights from the Netherlands.
Students gave their educational experience during the pandemic a grade of 5.7, the Inspectorate of Education reports. The crisis hit hard: students were less motivated.
Too little interest, insufficient knowledge and inadequate remuneration. these are concerns of the Lower House regarding student/staff participation in the higher education.
An artistic concept thought up by three Architecture students will be displayed in the If things grow wrong exhibition at the De Lakenhal Museum in Leiden.
Ten TU Delft Hydraulic Engineering master students were the first to do multi-day research on the Marker Wadden islands. “In the evenings we had the island to ourselves.”
Binnen drie weken moeten de formerende partijen toezeggen dat ze de studiefinanciering op de schop gaan nemen. Anders volgen er acties, zeggen vakbonden LSVb en FNV.
Are students having enough physical classroom time now that it’s allowed? Cutbacks must not in any way form a reason for extending online education, the Minister assures.
Headache, fatigue, forgetfulness. Many young people, like TU Delft student Milou, have health issues months after having had corona. What is it like to study with long Covid?
Een overgrote meerderheid van de Tweede Kamer wil van het leenstelsel af, bleek vorige week. Maar wat komt ervoor in de plaats en wie gaat ervan profiteren?