Universities are being instructed to prepare for two different scenarios when it comes to the new academic year: one with and one without social distancing.
Various TU Delft entities are working with Leiden University on an engineering course in quantum technology. “This field of work is going to grow enormously.”
Over 550 first-year mechanical engineering students demonstrated their ‘climbing stacker’ last Wednesday. There was no public, but the students again built something special.
European researchers who want to work in the UK post-Brexit will not only have to apply for a visa, but also pay substantial additional upfront healthcare costs.
Sommige docenten in het hoger onderwijs vinden thuiswerken “helemaal niks”, terwijl anderen er juist blij mee zijn. Dat blijkt uit een enquête van onderzoeksbureau Newcom.
Architecture and the Built Environment bachelor and master students played around in Minecraft recently, working on buildings in Delft and Naples. A bit of imagination helps.
The counter handing out free home testing kits for those in higher education is not very busy. At the special rapid testing locations, too, the interest is disappointing.
De ene student met een beperking krijgt veel meer geld dan de ander. Er komt een wetswijziging. Minister Koolmees verzoekt gemeenten om de toeslagen alvast gelijk te trekken.
Zo’n tweeduizend studenten demonstreerden donderdag op het Malieveld in Den Haag. Ze eisen afschaffing van het leenstelsel en compensatie voor pechstudenten.