De rente op studieschulden wordt volgend jaar vijf keer zo hoog. Het roept veel vragen op. Wat gaat je dat kosten? En kan die rente niet omlaag? Dertien vragen en antwoorden.
Just as he used to teach his children to cycle without side wheels, Rogier Wolfert is now teaching his students to make technical designs in a social context.
Dutch should become the language of instruction at universities within three to four years, said Pieter Omtzigt. “So fewer internationals will come to the Netherlands.”
Do universities pay enough attention to students’ needs and opportunities? Queen Máxima, Minister of Education Dijkgraaf and students believe there is room for improvement.
‘Colleagues mourn Erasmus lecturer Jurgen shot dead’ headlined the AD daily on Thursday evening, 28 September. It now turns out that the mourning extends to TU Delft.
Friday, 465,852 students have received their first payment of the basic student grant. DUO has transferred a total of 130 million euros to students’ bank accounts.
Among many other topics, King Willem-Alexander’s 11th Throne Speech also touched on education and research. “The government supports young researchers and teachers”, he said.
Oud-studenten gaan in de toekomst zo’n 325 miljoen euro per jaar aan rente op hun studieschulden betalen, verwacht het ministerie van OCW. Dat blijkt uit de Rijksbegroting.
Meet Emergence, the newly accredited Dream Team that explores the intersection of art, science, and engineering.