Door de terugkeer van de basisbeurs was het een uitzonderlijk jaar voor ISO en LSVb, die in Den Haag opkomen voor studentenbelangen. Hoe kijken de scheidend voorzitters terug?
Over 100 teams of first year Mechanical Engineering students designed and built a type of frisbee machine. Which machine threw best at the finals?
A property manager who becomes the new Honorary Chair of study association ETV: that is new. Who is Jan van der Pol and how does he look back at his long career?
TU Delft plans to open a branch in Rotterdam which should become ‘a full campus with a substantial number of students’. In Delft, student numbers are to shrink from 2026.
TU Delft wants to attract more Dutch students from migrant backgrounds, but CBS research shows that it it is not doing badly. What can still be improved?
The majority of students at Dutch universities think their work load is just right, the National Student Survey NSE shows. In Delft, half think the study pressure is too high.
De partijen in de Delftse studentenraad zijn voor het bsa, vertelden zij onlangs aan Delta. De landelijke studentenorganisaties LSVb en ISO denken er anders over.
If it were up to Minister of Education Dijkgraaf, the BSA would be lowered to a maximum of 30 points. Not a good idea, say the Executive Board and the Student Council.
Joy and disappointment after the Student Council elections. Newcomer Dé Partij gains one seat. Lijst Bèta remains at four, while ORAS loses another seat.