Rising dropout rates, language problems, a lack of social safety in higher education – the Inspectorate of Education’s annual report paints a worrying picture.
A new setback for students: from September 2024 tuition fees in higher education are likely to go up by more than 200 euros. The fees will be higher than 2,500 euros.
40,000 students fewer than expected are going to enter higher education, the Ministry of Education believes. The growth in academic education is slowing down.
De keynote speaker op de All Energy Day relativeert de gevolgen van klimaatverandering en gaat daarmee in tegen de wetenschappelijke consensus. Waarom komt juist hij?
The All Energy Day’s keynote speaker downplays the impact of climate change and in doing so, contradicts scientific consensus. Why will this person be speaking?
More than a year after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, universities are managing to survive thanks to tough staff. “For Russians the war is political, for us it’s personal.”
De basisbeurs keert terug in september en is bovendien iets hoger vanwege inflatie. Een plan om die inflatiecorrectie ook andere jaren toe te passen, gaat niet door. Waarom?
In the years ahead, the government will cut 200 million euros from higher education and student financing budgets, for a large part at the expense of first-year students.
Recently, Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf unfolded his plans for channelling the intake of international students. The initial reactions are cautiously optimistic.