The number of women in managerial positions at universities in the Netherlands has increased in the past three years, according to a new count by the LNVH.
Hoe betrek je het publiek bij wetenschappelijk onderzoek? Hoe verspreid je de uitkomsten en inzichten? Voor zulke vragen trekken wetenschapsfinanciers twee miljoen uit.
21 consortia van universiteiten, hogescholen, stichtingen en bedrijven ontvangen van NWO 93 miljoen euro voor maatschappelijk urgente vraagstukken.
Zebrafish are popular aquarium fish and are also a widely used vertebrate model organism in scientific research. TU Delft researchers want to use them to study diseases.
If scientists have a good idea for open science projects, they can apply for money from NWO. Research shows that free articles are read three to four times more.
De Jonge Akademie schaart zich achter het nieuwe ‘erkennen en waarderen’ aan de Nederlandse universiteiten, aldus een deze week verschenen uitgave.
‘That’s impossible’ is the frequent response to the wild ideas of company employees. A pity, says Professor of Entrepreneurial Engineering by Design Frido Smulders.
One of the meeting rooms in the Applied Sciences building has been converted into an artist’s studio. Meet John Walter, Kavli’s artist-in-residence.
Establishing a quantum internet connection between The Hague and Delft has proven more difficult than expected. With new partners, QuTech now aims for realisation in 2021.