Can computers get as good at recognising speech as humans? Odette Scharenborg (EEMCS) hopes so. She is using different techniques to improve automatic speech recognition.
The demand for alcohol free beer is rising, and not only in the ‘dry’ month of January. A method has now been developed to improve the flavour. Will it really work?
The rate of traffic injuries is much higher in old inner cities than elsewhere in the country, concludes Prof. Bert van Wee who was part of an RTL Nieuws investigation.
Over twee maanden zijn er verkiezingen voor de Tweede Kamer. Wat staat er in de programma’s van de politieke partijen over de financiering van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek?
He does not want to wag his finger, but does feel that people should be more aware of climate change. That’s why student Dennis Botman thought up an app called ThermoMate.
Screaming engines and low-flying model aeroplanes. Welcome to the final day of the Exploring Aerospace course where first-year AE students experience their maiden flights.
Something strange is happening with green hydrogen (hydrogen that is produced using solar or wind power and so is CO2 free); everyone wants it, but it does not actually exist.
An extra chromosome in yeast functions as a ‘playground’ for researchers. It allows them to design DNA and have a yeast cell stitch it together into a cellular factory.
Farbod Alijani (3mE) and Frank Hollman (AS) received an innovation grant from the European Research Council. The grant allows them to find out if their ideas work in practice.