Researchers on temporary contracts who have ‘corona delays’ are entitled to a contract extension of three months. But the qualification criteria are not clear to everyone.
Bij zwangerschap, ziekte of werk voor de medezeggenschapsraad; promovendi weten vaak niet dat ze recht hebben op verlenging van hun promotietraject, zegt belangenclub PNN.
Criminals are often just like any other citizen, found criminologist and PhD candidate Rolf van Wegberg (TPM). They look for the most reliable service on online markets.
This summer, TU Delft Mechanical Engineering students revealed one of the mysteries of the infamous Oranjehotel. TU Delft TV made a documentary about it.
Aan het ideaal van open science zitten allerlei haken en ogen, erkent wetenschapsactivist en hoogleraar Frank Miedema. Maar de wetenschap moet echt de ramen opengooien.
The battle for research funding is out of control, states the KNAW science association. They believe the solution to relieving some of the pressure is a rolling grants fund.
After Microsoft and Intel, the Japanese computer company Fujitsu has now signed a cooperation agreement with QuTech. What does that mean for the research?
The pandemic is putting many scientists on temporary contracts in an especially tough position. A moneypot of EUR 20 million should help about a thousand of them out.
De Nobelprijs voor chemie werd toegekend voor de ontdekking van ‘de genetische schaar’ Crispr-Cas. Microbioloog Stan Brouns werkte mee aan de basis ervan en vertelt erover.