At the height of the corona crisis, clinical technology students were designing a ventilator. But when the design was finished, it was not needed anymore. What was that like?
Many PhD students who feel trapped in an unpleasant working relationship with their supervisor are hesitant to switch supervisors. They are afraid it could harm their career.
Het kabinet gaat 20 miljard euro uitgeven aan onderwijs en onderzoek, innovatie en infrastructuur. Zijn dit de grote investeringen waar docenten en wetenschappers om smeekten?
The TU Delft campus is becoming an open air lab for traffic flows. The plan has already been in the pipeline for a while, but corona has pushed it into the fast lane.
Ruim 16 duizend wetenschappers uit de hele wereld, onder wie veertien Nobelprijswinnaars, roepen op om het budget van de Europese Onderzoeksraad ERC te beschermen.
Bert van Wee never thought he would win the Best Professor Award. Delta spoke to the Transport policy Professor about the impact of corona and the character of generalists.
The Netherlands has received 42 European research grants for young scientists this year. Two of them went to Delft: Caroline Paul (AS) and Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani (3mE).
Er ligt een enorme druk op wetenschappers om te scoren. Een groep Utrechtse masterstudenten vraagt aandacht voor een andere kant van de wetenschap: de mislukking.
Forced by corona, TU Delft professor Wim Uijttewaal organised his River Flow 2020 congress online this year. That gave him an idea. “We need to reinvent the conference.”