What are the concerns about the collaboration between Chinese tech giant Huawei and two Amsterdam universities, and how does TU Delft fit into this story?
PhD students at Dutch universities are working long hours. That sometimes leads to psychological problems. Something needs to be done about the workload, says the PhD network.
Het kabinet is niet van plan om zich voor een hoger Europees onderzoeksbudget in te zetten, blijkt uit antwoorden van minister Van Engelshoven op Kamervragen van GroenLinks.
Researchers work a surprising amount of overtime and absenteeism is on the rise. That is a ‘point for consideration,’ says the Rathenau Institute in a report.
Walking with an exoskeleton is an experience itself. Project MARCH has taken the next step by completing an obstacle course in preparation for the Cybathlon later this year.
Swarms of desert locusts are causing havoc in Africa and Asia. TU Delft students are working on a control method. They want to unleash viruses on the voracious insects.
Over 800 universities have expressed anger at the proposal to partially reverse a budget increase for the Horizon Europe research programme, which would cost them €5 billion.
Door de coronacrisis kunnen veel jonge wetenschappers op tijdelijke contracten hun onderzoek niet op tijd afronden. Zij vragen minister Van Engelshoven om een steunpakket.
CDA members who voted for a new party leader will have to vote again after TPM PhD student Jordy San José Sanchez exposed a leak in the political party’s voting webpage.