Gurus and other spiritual counsellors of mind and soul might just as well pack up. Willem-Paul Brinkman and Ding Ding elevated transcendental experience to the next level.
TU Delft, as a technology centre, must pull out all the stops to defeat Covid-19, asserts network professor Piet Van Mieghem. “We must now push on and extinguish corona.”
Vijf ervaren surfers overleden op 11 mei 2020 voor Scheveningen. Onder hen twee TU-studenten. Het NIOZ onderzocht de rol van zeeschuim bij het ongeval.
The rise in sea level necessitates an additional dam off the coast, say the inventors of the Haakse Zeedijk. What do they think about this at CiTG?
Nederlanders hebben sterk uiteenlopende meningen over corona-apps, blijkt uit onderzoek van Delftenaar Niek Mouter. Ongeveer een derde is pertinent tegen welke vorm dan ook.
Urban sprawl, climate change, resource scarcity. Can our urban water management systems cope with the challenges that lie ahead? TU Delft researcher Lisa Scholten is doubtful.
Holding online interviews and easing deadlines: the Dutch Research Council shows its flexible side by accommodating the needs of scientists whose work has suffered delays.
Studenten hebben soms ideeën die veel geld kunnen opleveren. De Tweede Kamer wil jonge uitvinders beter beschermen.
A magic crystal that doesn’t scatter light could revolutionise photonics and cut the amount of energy that computers use. TU Delft researcher Kobus Kuipers made one.