Two years ago, a team of scientists examined Vermeer’s masterpiece The Girl with the Pearl Earring (c. 1665) in the Mauritshuis museum. Now they present their results.
Krijgen promovendi en postdocs door de crisis hun onderzoek niet op tijd af? Dan kunnen universiteiten het contract verlengen of een vaste baan aanbieden, stelt de minister.
TU-employees led by Professor Amir Zadpoor (3mE) have designed and built a ventilator made from standard industrial parts: reliable and widely obtainable.
Seven apps to deal with Covid-19 reached the shortlist of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport. The selection process was a farce, says Michel van Eeten who was there.
When the Delft Professor Beijerinck discovered viruses in 1898, they were regarded as a plant disease. It’s much bigger than that, as we have found out.
QuTech has made functional quantum bits openly available on the internet under the title Quantum Inspire. The quantum computer is here, and you can try it out.
De overheid besteedt dit jaar meer geld aan onderzoek dan twee jaar geleden, meldt het Rathenau Instituut. Maar wat zeggen deze cijfers nu de coronacrisis is uitgebroken?
Driven by an impending shortage of ventilators, TU researcher Gerwin Smit looked for inspiration at a classic machine that had proven its merit.
Om Covid-19 te tackelen zijn alle knappe koppen nodig. Ook die van studenten. BSc-en MSc-studenten kunnen meedoen aan een interdisciplinair programma van de TU en Erasmus MC.