Earthquakes and nuclear tests produce sound waves that travel even further than the coronavirus: through the atmosphere, ocean and earth. What do they say about their sources?
Closing schools, working at home, and no social events. What is the effect of such measures, and why do they differ across countries? How science advises policy makers.
His inaugural speech was planned for 18 March but was cancelled due to the corona crisis. Professor Frank Hollmann (bio-catalysis, Applied Sciences) enjoyed his day off.
Nederland trekt enkele tientallen miljoenen euro’s uit voor acuut coronaonderzoek. TU Delft en Universiteit Leiden zijn alvast een eigen crowdfundingsactie gestart.
Dutch universities have been awarded 14 advanced grants from the European Research Council. With three grants, TU Delft is leading the pack.
The corona crisis may be causing upheaval, but it is also generating scientific findings and exciting research questions like: what are its implications on traffic systems?
Crises are all in a day’s work for Kenny Meesters. He researches and teaches crisis management at TPM. He joined the national operational corona team.
TU Delft and Van Straten Medical have developed and tested a process to reuse masks safely up to five times. The process can be applied directly and by all hospitals.
Ceramic armour has reduced the number of firearm casualties in war zones by some 50%. A new mathematical model shows how ceramic tiles stop bullets.