Air pollution in India is rising, and it is plateauing in China, says Pieternel Levelt, the initiator of Tropomi, the most precise tool ever to measure pollution from space.
The Nobel Prize in Physics this year goes to two breakthroughs in cosmology. The Canadian James Peebles and the Swiss Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz share the prize.
Waar zouden we zijn zonder oplaadbare batterijen? De Nobelprijs voor de scheikunde gaat naar drie onderzoekers die de komst van de lithium-ion-batterij mogelijk maakten.
Starting this year, teams of scientists will also be eligible for the annual Spinoza Prize, the Netherlands’ most prestigious scientific award.
Hydrogen cars are powered by fuel cells that are dependent on platinum. Catalytic research shows that the amount of platinum can be reduced. Platinum may even be replaceable.
Vrijdag 4 oktober promoveert Willemijn Elkhuizen en alleen die dag hangen er vier bijzondere 3D-reproducties van meesterwerken van o.a. Rembrandt in de foyer van de Aula.
Researchers have discovered a raw material that is created during wastewater treatment. The first factory for recovering this substance, called Kaumera, opens today.
Toilet paper. We use it every day, but often take it for granted. Do you even know what happens to it after you flush?
We are supposed to stop using gas. More heating for our homes is being piped from waste incineration plants. That won’t go well for long, Delft researchers warn.