In preparation for the energy transition, the EEMCS Faculty is transforming its high voltage lab into the Electrical Sustainable Power (ESP) Lab. Delivery by spring 2021.
Bacteria in the seafloor form cm-long electrical conducting threads. TU researchers presented their remarkable discovery in Nature Communications. How can this be applied?
Alumnus Olivier de Gruijter has received the Dutch James Dyson Award for his water filter that fits on a jerry can. He came up with the solution while jogging.
Internet is fantastisch, maar maakt ook kwetsbaar. Dit boek en deze special over de schaduwkanten van het internet geven meer inzicht.
The verdict of the Council of State on the nitrogen issue may be disastrous for the road and house construction industry. Do TU Delft researchers see any way out?
De uitspraak van de Raad van State over de stikstofuitstoot dreigt desastreus uit te pakken voor weg- en woningbouw. Welke uitwegen zien Delftse onderzoekers?
The Google Home scandal is a recent example of an AI playing dirty. TU Delft experts share their take on our responsibilities with sensitive data and AI development.
Five TU Delft researchers have been awarded European starting grants. Three of them are for the Applied Sciences Faculty, two for the AS related QuTech.
Forget seismometers. Earthquakes can be charted by analysing infrasound high in the atmosphere, or so Delft researchers found. Their discovery could save lives.