Delft also sounds climate alarm   More than 35 thousand people sounded the alarm on Sunday 14 March for a greener and fairer climate policy. Just before the elections, 45 local climate coalitions asked attention for the climate crisis and the need for a fairer and more decisive climate policy. Because…

Observing DNAs by murkiness Researchers at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft have developed a breakthrough method to detect alien material, such as the coronavirus, in genes. The result is visible to the naked eye in about one hour. “The method does not need a lot of chemicals or high-tech equipment, making it cheap and…

No chance for higher education to open up sooner   A call by GroenLinks and the SGP to ease the lockdown of higher education as early as next week has not received sufficient support in the Lower House. The Cabinet announced on Monday 8 March that higher education will remain in lockdown for another…

Cyber attack on UvA and HvA: ‘acute threat has been averted’   The Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HvA) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have successfully averted the recent cyber attack on their networks, the institutions report. The hack did not result in any system downtime, data being held hostage or a ransom demand. …

12 and 13 March: Open Days Whereas last year’s March Open Days took place on campus just before the lockdown, they are now being held fully online. On 12 and 13 March, all Bachelor’s programmes will organise live streams for students who are thinking about coming to TU Delft. They can then ask questions to…

In aanloop naar de verkiezingen demonstreren jongeren in zes steden tegen het leenstelsel en hoge studiekosten. Dinsdag 9 maart was de aftrap in Groningen. Zo’n 150 studenten kwamen daar samen op de Grote Markt. Ze zwaaiden met vlaggen en hielden bordjes met slogans omhoog. Het protest moest coronaproof verlopen: er lagen hoepels op de grond,…

Houben in children’s book Architect and TU Delft alumnus Francine Houben is featured in the children’s kinderboek Bedtijdverhalen voor Rebelse Meisjes, the Dutch version of the international bestseller Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls. The children’s book contains hundred stories about extraordinary Dutch women from the past and present. Both the texts and the…

TU Delft students open new Makerspace Makerspace Delft, a co-working space run by TU Delft students in the Cable District, will officially open its doors on Friday 5 March . In this non-profit work shop, people can work on their ideas or projects. The space provides all kinds of equipment, such as power tools, 3D…

Is TU Delft as diverse as we think? On international Women’s Day, Monday the 8th of March, FNV Delft is holding an online debate on gender and diversity. During the online session participants will explore the amount of acceptance for diversity through a number of statements, best and worst practices and sessions in break-out…