A square of qubits QuTech researchers in Menno Veldhorst’s group have rediscovered germanium as a promising platform for quantum bits (qubits). Germanium was originally used as a raw material for transistors, but was later widely replaced by silicon. In their latest publication in Nature (A four-bit germanium quantum processor), the researchers present a functional…

TU’s supercomputer for the next academic year The Delft High-Performance Computing Centre (DHPC) is clear for take-off. The Japanese computer manufacturer Fujitsu and a TU Delft delegation signed the supplier contract during a recorded ceremony last Monday 22 March. TU Delft aims to have the supercomputer service available for students and researchers this…

Production of Nuna11 underway   In Zwolle, the Vattenfall Solar Team has started the production of its newest solar car: Nuna11. Mayor Peter Snijders opened the production hall on Friday 19 March and gave the official start signal for construction.The new solar car should be ready by the end of May.   …

Water-walking tour through Delft   What is happening in Delft in terms of water development? Discover it at World Water Day during the Water-walking tour.  The tour through Delft’s city centre, focusses on global and local water issues. For example, what is Delft’s contribution to the United Nations’ sustainability targets and what are Hoogheemraadschap…

D66 is in Delft de grootste partij bij de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen, net als in 2017. De VVD is de tweede en GroenLinks de derde partij. Dat blijkt uit de voorlopige verkiezingsuitslag die de gemeente op 18 maart heeft gepubliceerd. Waar D66 ditmaal wat is gegroeid, krimpen VVD en GroenLinks. Opvallend is dat nieuwkomer Volt 7…

Queue for TU Aula polling station   During the elections to the House of Representatives, voting can take place at around forty locations in Delft. Special locations include the Oude Kerk and the Nieuwe Kerk. According to Twitter users, the latter is particularly popular, with long queues forming on a regular basis. Voters…

Voting pencil on Marktplaats In a number of municipalities, voters are allowed to take the red pencil home with them to avoid contamination with the coronavirus.  This is unique, because it is the first time that the voting pencils are not left behind at the polling stations. A voter from Delft saw a business…

Get out of your ‘room bubble’ with X Delft  Starting next Monday, X TU Delft will offer morning and evening meet-ups for TU Delft students. The daily digital meetings are meant to pull students out of their ‘room bubble’ and to provide them with a daily routine. The morning sessions are hosted by a student…

Bij de Hotelschool in Maastricht zijn zeker 103 studenten besmet geraakt met het coronavirus. De studenten kwamen eerder in opspraak door een illegaal feest, waar de politie een einde aan maakte. De eerstejaars studenten van de Hotel Management School Maastricht (Zuyd Hogeschool) wonen bij elkaar in studentenwoningen. Dat hoort bij de opleiding. Onder hen heeft de…