De toekomst, drugs, studentenverenigingen en corona. In het derde seizoen van Studententijd de podcast bespreken presentatoren David (22, Universiteit van Amsterdam), Dieneke (21, Universiteit Utrecht) en Steie (22, Hogeschool Utrecht) iedere twee weken belangrijke studentenonderwerpen. “Ik heb het echt gemist om met twee vrienden om tafel te zitten en goede verhalen te delen”, aldus…
Lees in het Engels Op 14 april publiceerde NWO de lijst met Vici-toekenningen over 2020. De indieners moesten dit jaar meer geduld hebben dan anders vanwege de hack die NWO dit voorjaar trof. Drieëndertig onderzoekers aan Nederlandse universiteiten ontvangen een beurs van 1,5 miljoen euro om hun eigen onderzoekslijn mee te versterken. De Universiteit…
Fire in boiler room TU Delft Library A fire broke out in the TU Delft Library on Sunday morning, 11 April. It started in one of the technical rooms – a boiler – on the fourth floor. When the incident occurred, about 200 students and employees were present. They were evacuated and were…
Women in Career event Compared to their male colleagues, twice as many female young professionals are unhappy in their current job. This is the conclusion of research by To help young women, employed or jobless, in their career, the job site therefore organises the online Women in Career event…
Sneak peak at financial companies From Monday April 19th to Friday April 23rd, Women’s network Librae organises the Beyond Finance Week. The aim of the week is give students a sneak peek behind the scenes of the finance sector, to show you there’s more to the finance sector than just finance. During the theme week…
New chairmen ISO and LSVb Student organisations ISO and LSVb have elected new board members who will take over from the summer. The ISO will have a University of Applied Sciences graduate at the helm, which is exceptional. On Friday, the ISO elected 22-year-old Lisanne de Roos as president. She has completed her bachelor’s degree…
The first helicopter on Mars NASA is planning to fly the Mars helicopter Ingenuity on the red planet this Sunday 11 April 2021. If the plan takes off, Ingenuity will be the first aircraft to ever function on another planet. Like any other first endeavours, several challenges loom in Ingenuity’s flight path. Dr Daphne Stam…
Student flat did not meet safety requirements During a fire in the Uilenstede student flat in Amstelveen, five students were injured and dozens of residents had to leave their homes. After an investigation, student housing association Duwo now comes up with a plan for smoke detectors and fire resistant doors and windows. In a letter to…
‘Kindertelefoon’ for young adults Since Wednesday, the well known Dutch support line ‘Kindertelefoon’ also offers a helpline for young adults. It’s called the Alles Oké? Supportline and it’s available for adults between 18 and 24 years old. They can call free of charge and anonymous when things are not going well. The support line is…
More on-campus exams The number of on campus exams is slightly higher this semester than last semester. The next two weeks, TU students will be going to the X sports centre and the Cornelis Drebbelweg for a total of nineteen exams. During last semester’s exam period, this was the case for seventeen exams. This exam period has a…