How can you as a researcher communicate responsibly and effectively about science in a way that connects to society? A team of Wageningen University researchers is aiming to develop recommendations and strategies for doing this offline and online. To do so, they first need to assess current practices, motivations, incentives and responsibilities in the public communication…

Meet the student psychologist  The Indian Students’ Association (ISA) in Delft holds a session with student advisors and student psychologists on Thursday. During the digital meeting, students can discuss how they are doing and how they can be there for each other. Students can also participate anonymously. Student advisors from the faculty of Technology, Policy and…

TU/e: priority for women again As of May 1, TU Eindhoven will resume its policy of employing more female scientists, but with different ground rules than before. Antidiscrimination agency Radar received dozens of complaints about the policy of the TU/e in 2019 and went to the Human Rights Board (College voor de Rechten van de…

Biomechanics researchers win communication grant Five researchers at Biomechanics (Faculty 3mE) have won a science communication grant from the KNAW. They plan to use the EUR 10,000 to show PhD students and tenure trackers the way in science communication. Dr Eline van der Kruk, one of the applicants, believes that science communication is…

De onderwijsministers van de Nederlandse Taalunie hebben bekendgemaakt dat Nederland en Vlaanderen zelfstandiger gaan opereren bij de keuring van hun hoger onderwijs. Hoe de Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO) er straks uit zal zien, wordt nog bekeken, zegt vertrekkend voorzitter Anne Flierman in een toelichting. “De NVAO zoals we die kennen bestaat 15 jaar, en we zien verschillen in de…

Student strike on 3 June Students are going out on strike on June 3, according to the Dutch Student Union (LSVb) and trade union FNV Young & United. They want the basic grant to be returned and full compensation for the ‘unlucky students’ who never received the basic student grant from 2015. Under the motto…

Self-tests in higher education   If the corona infections do not increase too much, all students will be allowed to visit the campus one day a week again from 26 April. The government thinks that self-tests can help. But how do you get these tests to all those hundreds of thousands of students…

ClimateLaunchPad – one of the world’s largest green business ideas competition – calls for aspiring visionaries to turn their green ideas into successful start-ups. The TU Delft Innovation and Impact Centre and the TU Delft | Global Initiative have joined hands to organise the Dutch branch. The deadline is soon: Friday of next week 23 April…

ClimateLaunchPad – one of the world’s largest green business ideas competition – calls for aspiring visionaries to turn their green ideas into successful start-ups. The TU Delft Innovation and Impact Centre and the TU Delft | Global Initiative have joined hands to organise the Dutch branch. The deadline is soon: Friday of next week 23 April…

Inspection: tutoring is booming business   One in five students pay for “additional education”, writes the Education Inspection in the State of Education. This includes, for example, thesis supervision or tutoring to pass a class. The costs fluctuate around two hundred euros. This so-called “shadow education” can lead to unequal opportunities. Students…