TU/e: priority for women again
As of May 1, TU Eindhoven will resume its policy of employing more female scientists, but with different ground rules than before. Antidiscrimination agency Radar received dozens of complaints about the policy of the TU/e in 2019 and went to the Human Rights Board (College voor de Rechten van de Mens). Male scientists had virtually no chance of finding a job in Eindhoven, the board ruled, after the university decided that for at least one and a half years only female scientists could apply. Only when vacancies had been open for six months were they allowed to be filled by men as well.
The preferential policy is part of the Irène Curie fellowship programme and has been halted since May last year because of the ruling. Now it will be resumed, TU/e announced. From now on, 30 to 50 percent of the positions for the permanent academic staff will be offered under the flag of the fellowship. So, men will get more opportunities again. The university will also look at the existing male-female ratio per position and faculty. Is the share of women less than 35 percent? Only then does a vacancy qualify for the fellowship programme. (HOP, Evelien Flink)
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