Quality inspection on pause   Some programmes at universities and colleges of higher education are granted a one-year postponement of the compulsory quality control of their education. They have enough on their minds already in the corona crisis, is the idea. The measure is contained in the new ‘service document’ that has been…

Solar boat to Maritime Museum Rotterdam In the opinion of the TU Delft Solar Boat Team, a museum should not only be about the past but also about the future. The addition of the 2016 solar boat to the Rotterdam Maritime Museum draws attention to the need to make shipping more sustainable – a…

Vaccination certificate as a reward   There is support among the Dutch for the introduction of a vaccination certificate that gives more freedom to people who take the vaccine in case of an outbreak. This appears from research conducted by scientists from TU Delft, Erasmus University Rotterdam, RIVM, Maastricht University and Roskilde University. …

Students beg for internships   In the dark days before Christmas, trade union CNV and the Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg make an appeal to employers: don’t leave students out in the cold and offer internships.    These are exceptional times. In the lockdown many companies are struggling and therefore there are fewer…

Is your light on yet?   This year, the Christmas period will be unlike previous years for many students. While some will visit friends or family, other students will spend the holidays alone. For example, because traveling to their home country is currently not possible.     “This pandemic is making many…

Vanaf 1 januari 2021 tot 1 september 2021 ontvangen alle TU-medewerkers in plaats van een bijdrage reiskosten woon-werkverkeer een tijdelijke thuiswerkvergoeding. Sinds de uitbraak van het coronavirus werken veel medewerkers vanuit huis. Ondanks deze veranderde situatie, werden de vaste reis- en onkostenvergoedingen doorbetaald. Per 1 januari 2021 staat de Belastingdienst het echter…

Unethical behaviour causes Ethics Professor to resign A professor from Utrecht University had to leave this fall after complaints about harassment and an unsafe working atmosphere. A complaint about sexual harassment also plays a role. The man was head of the Ethics Institute, writes the Utrecht University news website DUB. The university asked him…

‘Leiden University does not recruit volunteers’ Leiden University does not recruit any volunteers to check bachelor theses, says Minister Van Engelshoven. That is what the university itself said to her, despite tweets from the rector indicating the opposite. Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker was very happy last month that former colleagues wanted to help with…

Anonymous contributor gives University of Groningen 35 million The University of Groningen received an amount of 35 million euros from a former student. It is the largest donation in the history of this university. Of the donation, 30 million euros will go to CogniGron, Groningen’s research into materials for the computers of the future.…

Het kabinet moet de uitgaven aan onderzoek en innovatie elk jaar laten groeien met 300 à 380 miljoen euro. Dit geld zou boven op de miljarden uit het aangekondigde Nationaal Groeifonds moeten komen. Zonder die extra investeringen raakt Nederland achterop bij landen als Duitsland en Denemarken, stellen bedrijven, universiteiten, hogescholen, ziekenhuizen, onderzoeksinstituten en onderzoeksfinancier NWO, die…