Universities to relax BSA after all Considering the corona crisis and the recently prolonged lockdown, the 14 Dutch universities have decided to generically lower the norm for the binding study recommendations (BSA) this academic year by 10 to 15 percent. According to the university association VSNU, the universities have closely monitored student progress recently. Because…
TU Delft Board wants to talk to students Would you like to tell the Executive Board how you as a student are experiencing this corona crisis and how your studies are going? On Friday 15 January from 5:15 PM till 6:00 PM you will have the opportunity to do so. Then, board member Rob…
TU Delft and Royal DSM join forces in new laboratory for AI and biotechnology TU Delft and Royal DSM are joining forces in a new laboratory for artificial intelligence and biotechnology, the Artificial Intelligence Lab for Biosciences (the AI4B.io Lab). Biotechnology is a branch of science that advances primarily through processes of trial and…
Solar Boat changes to hydrogen It will still be sustainable, but will lose its solar panels. The TU Delft Solar Boat Team will make the design for its new boat known on 21 January. The boat will no longer sail on solar power, but on hydrogen instead. The Team will compete in the Solar…
Andy van den Dobbelsteen new Sustainability Coordinator The Executive Board has appointed Professor Andy van den Dobbelsteen as Sustainability Coordinator at TU Delft as of 1 January 2021. The term of the appointment will initially be four years. Van den Dobbelsteen will fill the position two days a week, succeeding Sustainable Business…
Voor veel jongeren is de politiek een ver-van-hun-bed-show, redeneerden masterstudenten Isa de Beer (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam) en Iris Zoet (Tilburg University). In aanloop naar de Tweede Kamerverkiezingen lanceerden de twee daarom de podcast KiesAdvies. In een serie afleveringen bevragen ze vertegenwoordigers van politieke jongerenpartijen over onderwerpen als alcohol, woningnood of institutioneel racisme. “We willen studenten laagdrempelig…
Diploma register more frequently consulted Almost one and a half million diplomas were downloaded last year from the online register of the Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs (DUO). According to DUO, this is a record number. In the Diploma Register, DUO collects all diplomas recognised by the Ministry of Education, Culture…
Participants Ultramarathon donate $6692 to WAAW Foundation After two months of walking, running and cycling, the participants of the MSE Ultramarathon reached the finish line on Monday 4 January. During the Ultramarathon, 77 employees and students from the Department of Material Science and Engineering (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering) travelled…
Long-term suspension after Flemish hazing drama KU Leuven has imposed harsher sentences on seven students who were involved in the fatal hazing of the 20-year-old student Sanda Dia in 2018. According to the Flemish broadcaster VRT, the former members of student association Reuzegom have been suspended for one or more years. Initially,…
Navy makes room for drones The navy’s interest in drones goes beyond a one-off demonstration, as we saw last week. In November last year, MAVlab employees demonstrated their hydrogen drone on board a naval vessel. A month and a half later, the ‘Noordhollands Dagblad’ newspaper writes (in Dutch) that the new seagoing Royal Netherlands Navy vessels…