Universities to relax BSA after all
Considering the corona crisis and the recently prolonged lockdown, the 14 Dutch universities have decided to generically lower the norm for the binding study recommendations (BSA) this academic year by 10 to 15 percent. According to the university association VSNU, the universities have closely monitored student progress recently. Because according to them, the progress is still up to standard, they are sticking to the BSA.
Also read: Call Oras for lowering the bsa gets national support
But because student welfare is under great pressure, especially now that the lockdown has been extended by three weeks, they have decided to collectively relax the BSA.The individual universities will soon announce how they will implement this decision. In any case, first-year students need to complete fewer credits to be able to proceed to the next academic year. Moreover, universities will still have the possibility to further adjust the BSA rules if necessary. For example, if a programme is really unable to provide (practical) subjects. Students will be informed of this before 1 February. (HOP/HC)
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