No face masks at Dutch universities yet Students and staff do not yet have to wear a face mask at Dutch universities, the University Association’s (VSNU) website says. The mayor of Amsterdam advises everyone to wear a mask in public indoor spaces, but universities are not included. “Of course, any additional instructions from the…

Winners will have to wait for TU Delft hoodies Students and employees who have won a TU Delft hoodie during the opening of the academic year game, will not receive it for the time being. The idea of using multiple time slots on different days to hand out the sweaters has been rejected by…

Students protest for more classes Students want more physical classes and will be demonstrating for this on Friday at the Museumplein in Amsterdam. “I’ve only had online classes this year.” Masks are ready to hand out, the grass will be sprayed with dots to encourage students to keep distance, and a security company will…

TU Delft frontrunner in sustainable energy research Five years ago, the UN introduced sixteen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on issues such as poverty, hunger and health. Affordable and clean energy is another goal. Elsevier, a major Dutch scientific publisher, has produced an inventory of publications related to the UN development goals. The analysis shows that…

Door het leenstelsel stijgt de totale studieschuld in Nederland uiteindelijk naar zo’n 33 miljard euro. Wie bij DUO leent, staat na de studie gemiddeld 25 duizend euro in het rood. In eerdere informatie over de studieschulden noemde de minister het verwachte totaalbedrag niet, maar op aandringen van CDA en ChristenUnie (coalitiepartijen, maar ook tegenstanders van…

‘A Christmas present for all PhD students’ Give all PhD students a Christmas present, even if they are not officially employed. This is one way that universities can make it clear to PhD students that they are part of the community, says the PNN interest group. Many PhD students are employed by universities. They receive…

Corona compensation for seniors only Halfway through your studies and already delayed by corona? Unfortunately, only graduates will get compensation. And that will remain the case for the time being. A scheme to extend this to others was rejected yesterday by one vote in the Lower House of Parliament. Since March, universities and universities…

What are employers looking for? What studies are most in demand among employers? Career platform researched this by analysing the graduates that were most frequently approached by employers over the past year. This could be for an internship, a starter’s job or a traineeship. TU Delft appears six times in the top 50…

HR to replace software by 2021 TU Delft staff are familiar with the multifaceted nature of ICT solutions for leave applications, sick leave and submitting claims. Taking effect on 1 January 2021, all HR related matters will be brought together in a single system. This, at least, is the target date for the software…

Het vervolgonderwijs presenteerde deze week een nieuw idee aan minister Koolmees van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid: geef elke werkende Nederlander het recht op minstens één week bijscholing per jaar. Dan komt ‘een leven lang leren’ eindelijk van de grond.   Eigenlijk zouden mensen zich gedurende hun werkzame leven moeten blijven scholen, meent de politiek al een…