A website to help combat the increasing number of infections   A website with important information and tips on the coronavirus should combat the increasing number of infections among students. On thuisbesmet.nl (Dutch only), an initiative of the Delft Chamber of Associations (VeRa), the municipality, TU Delft and the GGD Delft students are…

Music from glass plate Students from TU Delft’s Faculty of Industrial Design won the James Dyson Award 2020 with an audio system that uses glass to stream music and is completely recyclable. Their invention, called Ammos, produces music by using actuators to vibrate a thin sheet of glass. The glass is used to produce…

Enkele partijen pleitten tijdens de algemene politieke beschouwingen voor een nieuwe basisbeurs, met name voor studenten die net geen recht hebben op een aanvullende beurs, omdat hun ouders een middeninkomen hebben. De studieschulden stapelen zich op en lang niet alle partijen vinden dat wenselijk. D66, ooit een voorvechter van het huidige leenstelsel, wil er inmiddels vanaf.…

In zes regio’s in het westen van het land moeten cafés straks om 01.00 uur de deuren sluiten. Dat bevestigen Haagse bronnen aan diverse nieuwsmedia. Het kabinet maakt de nieuwe maatregel vanavond bekend. Het coronavirus grijpt weer om zich heen in Nederland. Vooral onder jonge mensen neemt het aantal besmettingen toe, zien het RIVM en…

Keeping cities cool The timing was great. On an exceptionally warm day, Monday 14 September, the HittePlein (literally Heat Square) opened on campus. Here, techniques are being tested that help keep cities cool. The square is located in The Green Village, a testing ground for urban innovations. Under the square is a reservoir that…

Better understanding of Antarctic glacier fissures If the Pine Island Glacier and the Thwaites Glacier on Western Antarctica crumble and collapse into the sea, this would lead to a sharp rise in sea level. These glaciers have been squeaking and cracking for years, but scientists now understand better how the cracks are formed. Researchers,…

Composted after death Being buried in nature in a fully biodegradable coffin was already an option. Engineers behind the Delft start-up Loop are doing a little more on top of it. They have developed a ‘living coffin’ of mycelium, the Living Cocoon. Mycelium is a fungus and normally grows underground in the complex root…

The Student Hotel Delft welcomes first guests Despite the corona measures and many travel restrictions, The Student Hotel (TSH) welcomed 238 students during its first check-in day. Over ninety percent of this group came from abroad.   In line with RIVM’s advice, TSH requests guests traveling from orange or red areas to…

Bridge made of beer crates They are stress-resistant, can be stacked easily and are widely available: beer crates are excellent building blocks. Members of Het Gezelschap ‘Practische Studie’, the study association for civil engineering students at TU Delft, will finish building the world’s largest beer crate bridge this week. They are doing this in…

Number of students with corona on the rise in more cities The number of corona infections is rising not only in Delft. Following earlier cases in Maastricht, Tilburg and Wageningen, this is now the case in Groningen and Nijmegen. According to the Municipal Health Service (GGD), colleges and universities are not to blame there either.…