Towards better batteries In theory, a minus lithium pole would allow Li-ion batteries to store two to three times more charge than the current generation of batteries. That sounds attractive. However, a lithium anode never transpired because the current electrolytes (the conductive material between the plus and minus poles) would then break down too…
New support program bypasses students For another nine months, the Dutch government will continue to support the economy. But students with temporary jobs are not included in the new support program that the government recently announced. Until halfway through 2021, ailing companies will be able to receive financial support for their wage…
Cafe Huszár offers study places The new academic year is about to begin, but studying on campus is still limited due to the amount of available study places. For the time being, students will be condemned to their room or studio. For those who do want to get out, Huszár is the place to…
Students protest at DUO building Students will protest in front of the main office of DUO in Groningen, at the start of the new academic year next Monday 31 August. They will cut a ribbon and rename DUO the ‘Ministry of Debt’. The protest is an idea of the National Student Union (LSVb) and…
De coronacrisis is nog niet voorbij, maar de eerste evaluaties van het coronabeleid verschijnen al in de pers, onder wetenschappers en bij beroepsverenigingen. Dat constateren de hooglerarenbestuurskunde Hans de Bruijn (TU Delft) en Martijn van der Steen (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam). Zij schreven het rapport Leren van Covid-19 voor de Nederlandse School Openbaar Bestuur (NSOB) in…
Checking in with your campus card: what about privacy? TU Delft takes various measures in the public space to ensure the safety of students, staff and visitors. One of these measures is checking in with your campus card. However, the student council is concerned about the privacy of students. What will happen…
New members student council In their last monthly meeting with the Executive Board, current members of the student council said their goodbyes as new members from the factions of Oras (7) and Lijst Bèta (3) introduced themselves. Since two years, English has been the official language during the meetings. Whether that will…
Restitution sports center X Students and employees with a membership to sports and culture center X will soon receive notification about refunds. Vice Rector Magnificus Rob Mudde announced this on 26 August during his monthly meeting with the Student Council. The refund will conclude the months in which X was forced to close its…
During the opening of the academic year on Monday 31 August the FNV union, the general education association AOb and action group WoinActie will organise a protest action by bike against temporary contracts in higher education. According to the organisations, temporary contracts force scientific talent to ‘cycle’ from university to university. “It is a waste…
Spar Stieltjesweg reopened Good news for residents of the student housing tower on the Stieltjesweg: Spar University is open again from Monday, August 24. The supermarket closed at the end of March due to the outbreak of the coronavirus. “Our sales are dropping and our teams are worried,” a press officer said at the time.