In several cities, young people are protesting this week against the high rent of student rooms. They start in Wageningen and later in the week there will also be protests in Amsterdam, Utrecht, Groningen and Nijmegen. The protest is organised by the Landelijke Studentenvakbond (LSVb) and union FNV Young & United, who find the high…

‘Declarations by board members in order’ The Dutch Education Inspectorate (Onderwijsinspectie) is satisfied with the reimbursement of expenses for administrators of universities and colleges of higher education. In a random check at fifteen institutions, the inspectors did not find anything unusual. This has sometimes been different. In the media, stories regularly surfaced about sky-high expense…

De Onderwijsinspectie is tevreden over de onkostenvergoeding voor bestuurders van universiteiten en hogescholen. In een steekproef bij vijftien instellingen hebben de inspecteurs geen gekke dingen aangetroffen. Dat is weleens anders geweest. In de media doken met regelmaat verhalen op over torenhoge declaraties, bijvoorbeeld van reiskosten en een peperdure bureaustoel. De vorige minister van Onderwijs dreigde…

Solar boat team finishes third in own race   The TU Delft Solar Boat Team finished third in the solar boat competition for top Dutch teams that it itself organised on the Ketelmeer in Flevoland on 17 August. The race consisted of three parts: endurance, slalom and sprint. Race Officer Eva Smits…

‘More optimistic about quantum technology’ Intensive collaboration with chipmaker Intel and software giant Microsoft, rapid technological developments, and increased focus on quantum computer applications and quantum software. These developments have made Professor Lieven Vandersypen hopeful about the future of the quantum computer. “This progress makes me more optimistic than five years ago. I want to…

‘Give new students a good start’ In one city the introduction week is almost entirely digital, in another freshmen can at least do a bicycle tour through the city. Give all freshmen a good start, say student organisations LSVb and ISO. This academic year will be different from other years. The introduction weeks will largely…

De politie heeft vrijdagavond samen met de afdeling vergunningverlening, toezicht en handhaving (VTH) van de gemeente Delft een studentenfeest op Coenderstraat in Delft beëindigd. Op het feest waren ongeveer 100 personen samen die zich niet hielden aan de coronamaatregelen. Een van de betrokken panden is een verenigingspand van het DSC (Delftsch Studenten Corps). Er zijn…

LIVE: follow the Solar Boat Race here Luxury yachts, expensive sunglasses and crystal clear water. Last year the Delft Solar Boat Team won the offshore competition in Monaco where they competed for the first time in 2016. Before that, the solar boat race was a marathon over Frisian waters. This year, the corona crisis has…

OWee terrace construction started The organization started with the construction of the OWee terrace and the kiss+ride on the parking lot next to the TU Delft Library. In other years, the site was used for the opening party and the cantus sing along, this year these activities will not take place due…

Delft: ‘Don’t have house parties’ The mayor of Delft, Marja van Bijsterveldt, strongly advises students against organizing house parties with prospective students from all over the Netherlands and abroad. After all, infections with the coronavirus now mainly take place among younger people, in cafes and at parties. She writes this in a letter to…