New members student council
In their last monthly meeting with the Executive Board, current members of the student council said their goodbyes as new members from the factions of Oras (7) and Lijst Bèta (3) introduced themselves.
Since two years, English has been the official language during the meetings. Whether that will remain so is the question. Next academic year an international student will no longer be part of the council. During his farewell speech, Nima Salami (Lijst Bèta) therefore expressed his wishes that the council will remain inclusive and open to all students in the coming years.
In 2020/2021 the student council will consist of:
Job Vlak
Pepijn van Sabben
Benjamin Witmer
Caroline van Winkel
Maud Adams
Guus Gorsse
Charlotte Eijkelkamp
Lijst Bèta
Eva Slingerland
Sam Vijlbrief
Marijn Roelvink
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