Golden Tenloop on May 18th The Golden Tenloop will take place again on Ascension Day. The organisation of the annual walking and running competition is in the hands of Delft Athletics Association ‘De Koplopers’. Anyone can participate and registration is possible until April 28th. This year, TU staff association Prometheus supports members…
Debate on energy transition Following earlier deliberations on cooperation with the fossil industry, four student associations of the Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS) in cooperation with student party ORAS are organising a debate on the energy transition on 25 April. Four debate members, led by optoelectronic materials professor Ferdinand Grozema, will discuss…
The five best dart players in the Netherlands were present at the TU Delft campus on Tuesday 18 April. Here they tried out a new dart arrow developed by TU Delft spin off Rocket Darts. The new dart throws almost 50 percent more accurately than a conventional dart. This is evident from earlier tests with…
Unions increase pressure on negotiations Universities are still not doing enough against the high workload, unions argue. And things are not progressing with permanent contracts either. On Tuesday 25 April, they will protest at VU University Amsterdam, together with several action groups. The unions are in the middle of negotiations for a…
Hestia grant for 11 refugees Eleven refugees can continue their scientific careers in the Netherlands thanks to a special grant from research financier NWO. Although no so-called Hestia grants were awarded at TU Delft this year, refugee scientists are working there. This is the fourth time the scholarships have been distributed. Due…
Dutch only De komende tijd is wekelijks een podcast te beluisteren over kennisveiligheid op Nederlandse universiteiten. “Samenvattend is de grote vraag: mag je discrimineren als de kennisveiligheid op het spel staat?”, zegt wetenschapsjournalist en radiomaker Saar Slegers die de podcast maakte. Voormalig Delta-redacteur Slegers spreekt in de podcast met Nederlandse en buitenlandse…
Yet another student wins court case over energy allowance A student from Utrecht has won a court case and should still receive the 1,300 euro energy allowance that was available last year for low-income households. The municipality wrongly excluded students as a group – on the advice, by the way, of the cabinet…
Activists blindfold Hugo de Groot “The city of Delft, home to one of the world’s most honoured scientific institutes, should do everything in its power to hold our leaders to account.” This is what Extinction Rebellion Delft writes in a press release accompanying its action on Sunday 16 April: blindfolding the statues…
STAP subsidy in demand for TU Delft courses It is far from easy for anyone with an interest to get a STAP subsidy for a TU Delft Extension School course. In 2022, there was a trial of six courses. Out of 60 grant applications, 10 were awarded. In 2023, out of 37 applications,…
Hyperloop on campus (Photo: Thijs van Reeuwijk) Delft Hyperloop is building a test track in the coming days, for the first time at the Mekelpark. In July, the European Hyperloop Week will be held in Scotland and the Delft team will be there. In preparation, the students will test their prototype on campus…