More university of applied sciences lecturers on permanent contract     Teachers at universities of applied sciences are slightly more often on permanent contracts again. Support staff, on the other hand, are more and more on temporary contracts.    For several years, the share of lecturers on temporary contracts hovered around 15 percent, but in…

Master in science communication ends for good     The master programme in science communication is ending for good. From next academic year, no new students will be able to register. The Faculty of Applied Sciences (AS), under which the master’s programme falls, announced this by letter to its students in February. The programme would…

‘Prospective teachers deserve internship allowance’     The General Education Union wants students in teacher training programmes to receive an internship allowance of 750 euros per month. That proposal is on the table during the collective bargaining negotiations.   These students rarely get paid for their internships, even…

Universities reflect on ban on apps     Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) are considering whether apps ‘from countries with offensive cyber programmes against the Netherlands’ should be banned from their employees’ work phones. This was the response of a TU Delft spokesperson to questions from Delta. “This is being discussed within the UNL so…

No advanced grants to TU Delft     No advanced grants from the European Research Council ERC for experienced TU Delft researchers this year. In 2022 and 2021, two grants of up to €2.5 million went to Delft.   At the same time, half as many grants are going to the Netherlands this year as…

More contemplation rooms on campus     TU Delft will open two more contemplation rooms: one in the TU Delft Library (from the end of this summer) and one at the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment (from early 2024). These places were chosen by the diversity and inclusion (D&I) office together with the…

Paid parking on campus delayed again     The start date of the new parking policy on campus has again been postponed by a few months. Due to a shortage of materials and personnel at the suppliers, the necessary facilities such as barriers and pay machines will not be ready in time, reports the TU…

Deliberation: should TU Delft work with the fossil industry?     Following internal and national discussions on the collaboration with the fossil fuel industry, TU Delft is organising a deliberation on April 5th. TU Delft staff and students can attend.   The panel will react on eight statements, says dr. Riccardo Riva, associate professor in…

Gearing up for open science     With 184 million euros, the new governing body ‘Open Science NL’ will accelerate the rise of open science until 2031. That is what the Ministry of Education agreed on with universities, universities of applied sciences and other organisations such as NWO and KNAW on 29 March. They did…

Fewer premaster students at university     According to the latest figures, which came out this month, universities welcomed 60,000 new undergraduate students this academic year (2022). That was 2,900 fewer than in 2021.   That appears to include the ‘switching students’: the students of premaster programmes. These study on paper with a bachelor’s programme,…