Letters from TU student in the resistance     A new Dutch book about former TU student Piet Groenewege will be published on 1 May. He was in the resistance during World War II and was executed at the age of 22.   The book ‘Boerenzoon in het Resistance’ focuses on letters that Groenewege wrote…

Taking teacher course becomes easier     At the last minute, the government has improved a bill that would allow wo students to quickly become teachers after their bachelor’s degree. The amendment is also good news for pre-master’s students.   The educational module is a six-month teaching programme that allows you to become a teacher…

AccessAbility Week at TU Delft     Studying with a disability brings many challenges. Student Onbeperkt, the platform for TU Delft students with disabilities, is therefore organising the AccessAbility Week from 20 to 24 March in cooperation with support desk Horizon.   With a series of lectures and workshops, the platform wants to draw attention…

TU Delft professor did not report sponsorship     TU Delft ‘hydrogen professor’ Ad van Wijk did not report at the time that he was sponsored for two days a week between 2016 and 2021 by Netbeheer Nederland, the interest group of network operators in the Netherlands. TU Delft did not report this either. This…

TU Delft professor did not report sponsorship     TU Delft ‘hydrogen professor’ Ad van Wijk did not report at the time that he was sponsored for two days a week between 2016 and 2021 by Netbeheer Nederland, the interest group of network operators in the Netherlands. TU Delft did not report this either. This…

TU Delft staff and students will plant trees on campus     To increase biodiversity on campus, students and staff will plant 45 multiple-stemmed trees there on Wednesday 15 March. This will take place along the east side of the TU Delft Library, on the Schoemakerstraat. They will include maples, rowan berries and Crabapples.  …

Utrecht professor removed over complaints     Utrecht University wants to sack a professor over transgressive behaviour. At the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, a director stepped down after investigations into social safety.   A Utrecht professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences has been suspended after 17 reports of transgressive behaviour. Because of the…

Scientist Rebellion helped block A12 in The Hague     81 Scientists from Scientist Rebellion, together with Extiction Rebellion, occupied the A12 in The Hague on Saturday 11 March in action against the annual billion-dollar subsidies to the fossil industry. Dressed in white lab coats, the scientists were among the climate activists who stayed on…

‘Meat shaming’ could reduce meat sales     Stick a picture of a chicken in a far too small cage or another gruesome image of animals in the bio-industry on a meat package and people will be less likely to buy it. This is shown by research into ‘meat shaming’ by TU Delft researcher Rick…

IDE drops cap on student numbers As of academic year 2024-2025, Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) will scrap the numerus fixus (cap on student numbers) for its bachelor’s programme after 13 years. The Faculty announced this on 9 March. The fixus of a maximum of 330 first-year students served as an ‘unwanted emergency brake’, says dean…